Grantland on the state of late night:
Matt Yglesias makes the excellent point that promoting efficiency and innovation aren't the same thing:
A visit to San Francisco over the past few days really crystallized in my head the important distinction between increased efficiency in the allocation of resources and fundamental innovation... San Francisco is a hotbed of inefficiency and what any economically literate person would recognize as bad public policy... That said, while San Francisco is a hotbed of inefficiency it's also a hotbed of real innovation. The corridor that starts in San Francisco and runs down to San Jose is the premiere cluster of technological innovation in the world and has been for some time... Human existence is complicated and it's no surprise that there's a lot we don't really understand about it. But you frequently see an effort to simply subsume the question of innovation into the question of efficiency. Like if you want a high-innovation economy you just need a lot of sound market-oriented efficiency-promoting public policies, such that true prosperity stems from Oklahoma and the Dakotas with their libertarian-approved policy frameworks.
And, a cool app that shows the entire scale of the universe. Drag the bar to move from 10-35 m to 1026 m.